The American Covenant

[cross-posted at American Slytherin]

The Warning

It started 31 January 2012. According to my journal, Gold was $1,747.04/ oz that morning, and silver was $33.66/oz. The rest of the entry for that morning reads as follows:

Jay Carney says WH has no rush re: Iran. Since the man is a liar, we may assume the opposite.

FL primary today.

Rumor Mill News

Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn The Harbinger

Debka is reporting that Syrian Prez Bashar Assad may start regional war if UN tells him to step down.

One of these things is not quite like the others. . . that day, in the morning, I’d come across an interview with Rabbi Cahn on YouTube, and it “pinged” in my brain. Something made me take notice. I run across odd, cool and crazy things on YouTube all the time. Sometimes I post them on my blog. But this was different enough to have me scribbling a note in my journal with ink on paper– a more real “noting of” than simply copy/pasting electrons via computer. So I scribbled it down and put it out of my mind.

On 12 March 2012, in addition to my usual market entries, I wrote the following

On Saturday, bought a new pair of work shoes (1st time in 3 years). Then on a whim, went to the neighboring bookstore. There, in front, on display, was that book I’d noticed a couple of weeks ago –> The Harbinger. So, I bought it, and just finished reading it. And it’s very troubling. Ref. Isaiah 9:10-12, in relation to events of 9/11 and all that follows. Crap–> this means responsibility of some nature that I must uphold.

[Oddly enough, that was the last entry until near the end of June, even though the journal is always in my bag.] Due to my experiences in life, when something presents itself before me and sticks in my brain, I make note of it. When it keeps presenting itself, I take that as a message from above, that He wants me to take notice. It would be a long, long tale to describe that training, but He trained me thusly, and so this is how I respond.

It’s odd, for me, as a Catholic. Prophesy and things related are generally avoided, save those referring to Jesus. End-times prophesy is so very. . . protestant, you know. Best to not meddle around with trying to interpret anything. Que sera, sera, and all that. But then, I’ve always been the nutter in the choir loft, and I’ve had a passion for all the “Strange but True” stories featured on Unsolved Mysteries and The X Files. So I never really followed the traditional Catholic manner of dealing with the Book of Revelation or various Old Testament Texts. To my mind, too many theologians have been involved in the Catholic view of such things. There’s a strain of Catholicism (to which I have long exposure) that holds that Biblical Prophesy has been fulfilled, or else is not to be interpreted, because we’d just get it wrong anyway. This same strain looks askance at the events of Fatima and buys the Vatican line about the 3rd Secret.

So you can imagine that when contemplating ideas bridging ancient Israel to modern America, the voices of 500 theologians (and the dubious eyebrows of my father) cry out all at once in my head. But luckily, my inner musician rises up in reply and says “If the melody and chord progression are the same, the rhythm similar, it means it’s the same Opus, by the same Composer!”

For instance, when I first saw The Fellowship of the Ring in the movie theater, I realized before I saw the credits that the composer of the soundtrack was the same guy who composed the soundtrack for The Matrix. How did I realize this? Because Howard Shore, the composer, used a chord, broken into an descending arpeggio descending for The Matrix, and used the same chord, broken but ascending, for Lord of the Rings. It was a signature. It was possible that the music was written by two separate people– but unlikely. My ear heard that one pattern was simply the inversion of the other, and identified it as the work of the same person.

Because of this musical training, I’m pretty good at spotting patterns. If someone else spots the pattern and points it out, I can validate it pretty quickly. This is what happened with the book mentioned above. Rabbi Cahn noted a pattern between the events starting around Isaiah 9:10, and their super-eerie correspondence to the exact same things happening with 9/11 and the events that followed. There is a clear pattern shown, a pattern even more detailed thanks to Rabbi Cahn’s Jewish background and understanding of the Jewish Calendar and traditions.

I’ll not spell out the pattern int his post– if you are interested, that can be another post. Or you can get the book yourself. However, the main point, at least as far as this particular essay goes, is this: That God is very much active in the events around us, That God is very much involved in the continuing history of the American people, and that God is very much trying to get our stupid, wandering attention, and we really ought to start paying Him some mind. . .

The Covenant

Having read that book in the spring, it’s implications knocking around in my skull for a few months, I was well primed when about a month ago, I heard of another book, this one called The Covenant: America’s Sacred and Immutable Connection to Ancient Israel, by Timothy Ballard. [Allow me to give a few disclaimers: First, I have not yet finished the book, so what I write today is based upon what I have read so far. Second, this book was a re-write of two other books that had been written for an LDS readership– Ballard removed all the LDS material for this book so that it would be accessible to a broader audience. Third– the author references the writings and research of other authors. I’ve not had the chance to check out these writings, though I’m interested, so I cannot say, for myself, how trustworthy these sources are. That said, the ideas presented are intriguing and worth considering, so I cannot dismiss them outright.]

Basically, The Covenant takes the microcosmic idea of The Harbinger and enlarges it– not only is 9/11 an echo of past events– the entire history of America is tied with that of Ancient Israel (which is why the Harbingers show themselves now as they did then). Ballard (this is where he references works and authors I’m unfamiliar with) starts with the Old Testament prophesies concerning the descendants of Joseph– the famed lost tribes of Israel, who disappear from canon before the prophesies are fulfilled. Through hints found in linguistics and archaeology, Ballard theorizes some of the movements of these lost tribes northwest through Europe. Then using the writings of Columbus and others, he shows how the discovery, settlement, and Founding of America were always seen as something ordained by God in the Bible, and that God was active in the discovery, settling and founding of the nation.

This then explains American Exceptionalism, the instinctive feeling of kinship with modern day Israel and the near obsessive need many American’s feel to protect Israel, the need to reawaken our common religious sensibilities, whatever our religion may be, and why we absolutely, positively, cannot allow the secularists to have their way in removing God from the American Consciousness. This is why it is so very important for all Americans to know and understand the words of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution/ Bill of Rights– these are the documents that write out the American Covenant. These set up the human half of the equation– they state who we are as a people, what we desire, and the rules which shall bind the powerful among us. In return, just as with Ancient Israel, God will bless us with protection (life), liberty, and prosperity (the pursuit of happiness). However, should our part of the Covenant be broken, should we forget our part, God will withdraw His blessings not so much to punish us, but to get our attention, to remind us of the covenant, and to call us back to Himself.

Zophiel’s Ponderings

I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to being very intrigued with the idea. I can’t say I entirely buy it (those 500 theologians would make my head explode if I tried) . . . honestly, I have more research to do before I can properly weigh various arguments and make my decision on what I believe in this regard.  However, it is worth considering as we look at the tragedies befalling our dear nation everyday. When we see all three branches of our government betray us, our economy stumbling and crawling, our news peppered with reports of flesh-eating zombie-people and the reports aren’t jokes. When we consider the old-guard “conservatives” who focused more on policy with a mention of religious texts much like one would reference any other work or literature, when we consider just what is being taught in our schools– and not taught.

But here’s what it comes down to. I’ve read the fist book, am about halfway through the second. I’ve been considering these ideas for months now. And these things keep shoving themselves in front of my attention. I’ve gone and read. And I’ve considered the ideas. And still they present themselves. Which, according to my past experience, means this: It is not enough to read and ponder, I have to share.

I hate that part the most. I can ponder whatever crazy idea I want in the privacy of my own brain. But sharing the nuttiness? Oh my. That’s entirely different.

So, here I am, sharing, hoping that this is sufficient for His purposes. Hoping that I can finish the one book and then move on to something else, and not have these things vying for my ever wandering attention. I have presented to you the idea that America, like Ancient Israel, is a Nation Under Covenant with God, and that means that we have responsibilities and duties to uphold, or else the pattern of Isaiah 9:10 will continue out to the finish.

Let’s hope we get things back on track before that happens.


[Note: the original draft of this was much longer, incorporating several other ideas as well. However, I was writing it last Friday night, up late and, like a moron, hadn’t saved it yet when the power went out. What you see here is what I put together last night after class. It’s probabaly for the best that The Good Lord saw fit to limit my blarney at least this once. . . Oh, and: Intercessors for America. It may be of interest to you)

About zmalfoy

Z. Malfoy is a practicing Catholic-with-an-"interesting"-past. She earned her Bachelor's Degree in Music Education (Spec. Voice) from Loyola University New Orleans, and has since taken a few business courses to expand her knowledge base. In her free time, she studies belly-dance, alchemy, theology, and various skills related to self-sufficiency. She also enjoys reading science fiction, refreshing her French, and watching anime. She recently started with learning Krav Maga and Russian.
This entry was posted in Country, Freedom, General Religiousness, God. Bookmark the permalink.

39 Responses to The American Covenant

  1. Knight4GFC says:

    …”America, like Ancient Israel, is a Nation Under Covenant with God, and that means that we have responsibilities and duties to uphold…” – I absolutely agrees and personally believe that the founding of this Great Country was inspired and guided by God! The Holy Spirit moved our founding fathers in a way that showed itself through the Declaration Of Independence.

  2. I like it, Zoph, and I’m glad you had the courage to repost this here. I didn’t say so over on your blog earlier, but I came this close to asking you if you would do just that. So glad you did!

  3. Knight4GFC says:

    …”This same strain looks askance at the events of Fatima and buys the Vatican line about the 3rd Secret…” – I know too much about the Fatima events to share the same feeling. IMHO, disrespect not intended, I believe the Church did not handle the situation correctly or as was instructed. As a result of this, amongst other factors, the church is dealing with serious issues within their ranks going all the way up to the Vatican. I know this might be hurtfull to hear about the Church, but I speak about the Church as the institution, not as the Mystical Body Of Christ(the Catholic believers here on earth). I am a Catholic and I hold the church leaders’ feet to the fire. The Church’s responsibilities, as the institution, are to uphold the teachings of Christ and to serve the believers. When they fail, it shows through the misguided flock under them. Truth has no agenda except that of itself.

    • zmalfoy says:

      Very much agree despite my exposure to the overly-academic strains of Catholicism. I completely agree that the hierarchy, as such, totally blew it and all that Blessed Mother warned of is coming to pass. She warned of the dangers of communism, and how it would spread like a plague, a poison in our minds. . . and that’s exactly what happened. She said it could be forestalled/ stopped if they did once simple thing by a certain date– and they totally fumbled the ball! Why didn’t they simply do as she’d asked? I dunno . ..

      [Also don’t buy the official line about the Third Secret– when the first Pope to see it read it, he fainted! And then they’re like “Oh, it was just about the attempted assassination of JPII. . .” Really? With the sometimes “interesting history” of the Church and the Papacy, an attempted assassination would make a guy faint upon reading about it? Nah, don’t buy it. And the text released doesn’t seem to fit the events of JPII’s attempted assassination either.IMHO]

      • Knight4GFC says:

        I Agrees. I am sorry if I did not understand your comment about Fatima. TY for your reply.
        TY for your post! 🙂

      • Good points, both of yas.

      • MRM says:

        okay, I have no idea what you’re talking about (the stuff about Fatima and the 3rd secret) Is there a good link to some background info you could recommend?

      • MRM says:

        I’m looking at but if you know of a better one, pls let me know.

      • Shalini says:

        She warned of the dangers of communism, and how it would spread like a plague, a poison in our minds. . . and that’s exactly what happened. She said it could be forestalled/ stopped if they did once simple thing by a certain date– and they totally fumbled the ball! Why didn’t they simply do as she’d asked? I dunno . ..

        Because it is never easy to do just what God or His messengers ask us to do? It’s simple but it’s not easy. I say this with absolute respect to both of you, Knight and Zoph. The hierarchy messed up because they were under constant attack by the satan. I am not making excuses for them and I absolutely agree that we have to hold fire to their feet but that alone wouldn’t suffice. Our Lady of Fatima specifically told us to pray for the clergy with compassion precisely for this reason. Satan attacks them mercilessly because fall of the appointed shepherds will result in easier scattering of the sheep.

        We would think that position of authority and the knowledge that with position comes harsher judgement for failure would make sure they make no mistakes. But we’d be wrong. I believe they all go through the ‘dark night of the soul’ (as written by St. John of the cross). Remember, Jesus in the garden of Gethsamane? He asked for prayers in His darkest hour and He got them, as we read about the angels who came down to comfort Him. But not from His disciples. As this isn’t an exclusive Catholic site, I’ll stop here but you get my point.

        • barnslayer says:

          I am a Protestant (Baptist). I have witnessed firsthand the sinful nature of man in my own church. I dare say it is not unique in that regard. We are all broken and prone to sin. Any organized religion (Judeo-Christian included) is composed of and administered by man… sins and all. The Word of God is infallible. What man does with it is not. When all else fails refer to the Bible.

  4. garnette says:

    After reading this, what came to mind is that we have become conditioned to saying no we can’t do that because we have to be nice. It reminds me of Moses when God sent him to speak with the Pharaoh and he came up with every excuse why he could not. God won’t do for us, but he will be with us as we go down the path he has created for us.

  5. Shalini says:

    Okay… I do have a few things to say on this but before I do I want to issue a full disclaimer which I hope you people will understand. I am going to have a different view of things (not necessarily disagreeing. In fact, I believe I’d agree with you more than disagree.) because as much as I have absolute respect for you people and your country, I might not have the same passionate love and feelings for your country, for obvious reasons. I do think your country is truly great and your rise to power in just 200 odd years of freedom has never failed to amaze me and in fact, I had the idea that you guys rose over Europe because of your faith in God. But while I do think your country is great, being Indian, I can’t consider you the greatest in my mind. FWIW, I don’t consider my own country the greatest either despite it’s much longer history because of it’s majority pagan belief.

    Having said that, I believe that countries which honour God will be the most blessed, which I believe was the U.S.A for the longest time. I am sorry to say ‘was’ but America has been going the European way in the recent years. So do I agree with your suggestion that America’s discovery was set in motion by God? I do. That’s because I believe God will always fight to save us and will be involved in that process. Did God put America in the map for world to know how a country which honours God prospers? I think so, yes. But I believe that God doesn’t stop with one nation to bolster His army. He would want Europe back and He will fight for it, as they were the ones who first started spreading His message, just like He never gave up on Israel. He sent His messenger to my country, after all! I find the theory about the lost tribes, interesting. Recently, they found the descendents of the one of the 12 lost tribes in North Eastern India. Israel has officially recognized them as such. His people are everywhere.

    I have always wondered, having been born in India, what it would be like to be born in a Christian nation. But I realize that what wonderful mercy God has shown me by choosing me to born as a Christian (one of the meager 2.4% in my country), having ancestors who was converted 5 centuries ago by St. Francis Xavier and living in a parish where St. Thomas the apostle lived? I mean what are odds of that? He chose each one of us, lovingly, to be a part of His ministry.

    I know, I know. I sound as if I agree and disagree at the same time. I am agreeing mostly but what I am saying is though it would be exhilarating to know that I am a descendant of a group which had a special connection with God, like Jews or the Bnei Menashe tribe (which claim to be descendants of the lost Tribe of Manasseh which again makes them Jews), for me personally that is not that important. I was a part of His salvation plan and that means I should be willing to be His tool to spread His message. I find what you’ve written fascinating but it doesn’t exactly alter my job.

    • Knight4GFC says:

      Aloha Shalini! First of all I want to say that I do not intend any harm or slander against anyone in this world. Anybody can naturally take pride in their own country and be patriotic. Since today is a very big day for us here in America – the Birthday of America, it is a day where us Americans can go back in time recalling how our nation was founded under God by our founding fathers; how we have come a long way since then; how we have strayed from our fundamentals that was instilled in the founding; how we can get back to where we are a Nation Under God. Our faith in God has weakened. That is why we are going the way of Europe. We are heading down a Godless path of socialism. So with all of this being said, we are angry and upset. We try to reignite the Spirit of God that once guided our nation. The Spirit that guided the founding fathers when they drew up the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. We are forgetting that we are a nation under God. We are a nation now slipping under and we are trying desperately to stop and reverse the affects. But we are the few.

      “…As much as I have absolute respect for you people and your country, I might not have the same passionate love and feelings for your country, for obvious reasons. I do think your country is truly great and your rise to power in just 200 odd years of freedom has never failed to amaze me and in fact, I had the idea that you guys rose over Europe because of your faith in God. But while I do think your country is great, being Indian, I can’t consider you the greatest in my mind. FWIW, I don’t consider my own country the greatest either despite it’s much longer history because of it’s majority pagan belief.”
      We, imho, are currently not “the greatest” in the sense that we are separating ourselves from the faith and principles that our country was founded on. Faith and principles that are Judeo-Christian based in nature. We were once the greatest in that sense. I speak of our nation on a spiritual basis because I believe that is where you are coming from. We are trying to return to that platform of greatness under God. A shining light, an example to the nations, a shining city on a hill.

      “Having said that, I believe that countries which honour God will be the most blessed, which I believe was the U.S.A for the longest time. I am sorry to say ‘was’ but America has been going the European way in the recent years. So do I agree with your suggestion that America’s discovery was set in motion by God? I do. That’s because I believe God will always fight to save us and will be involved in that process. Did God put America in the map for world to know how a country which honours God prospers? I think so, yes. But I believe that God doesn’t stop with one nation to bolster His army. He would want Europe back and He will fight for it, as they were the ones who first started spreading His message, just like He never gave up on Israel.”
      I absolutely agrees with you here.

      “He sent His messenger to my country, after all! I find the theory about the lost tribes, interesting. Recently, they found the descendents of the one of the 12 lost tribes in North Eastern India. Israel has officially recognized them as such. His people are everywhere.”
      The children of faith are God’s people. Romans 9:8 – In other words, it is not the natural children who are God’s children, but it is the children of the promise who are regarded as Abraham’s offspring. I believe the founding of our country was inspired by God through His children – our founding fathers.

      “I have always wondered, having been born in India, what it would be like to be born in a Christian nation. But I realize that what wonderful mercy God has shown me by choosing me to born as a Christian (one of the meager 2.4% in my country), having ancestors who was converted 5 centuries ago by St. Francis Xavier and living in a parish where St. Thomas the apostle lived? I mean what are odds of that?”
      Congrats to being one of the “Few” left in this world. I am happy to have you as a sister in Christ. As for St. Francis Xavier, he was a great saint. I once did an essay on him in school that got good points! 🙂 He was a great student and successor to St. Ignatius of Loyola – the Jesuit Order founder.

      “He chose each one of us, lovingly, to be a part of His ministry.”
      Again, I agrees.

      “…For me personally that is not that important. I was a part of His salvation plan and that means I should be willing to be His tool to spread His message.”
      Your absolutely right again. This goes for all the children of God here on earth.

      “I find what you’ve written fascinating but it doesn’t exactly alter my job.”
      Ok… this is where I am lost. Could you explain what you mean exactly?

      I am happy to have a person like you here Shalini! I get the sense that you are strong in the faith! We need more people like you.

      • I certainly agree that we need more people like Shalini, and you as well, Knight! From the time difference, I’m guessing she will be asleep or busy for the next few hours, and then I’m sure she will answer you, but do you mind if I take a stab, in the meantime, at what I think she meant by that last statement? I suspect that she’s just echoing Zoph’s earlier statement about the marginal usefulness of prophesy. It may be edifying, or encouraging, or supply extra warning, but it does not change our principal task, which is preparing ourselves for the end times and ultimately for salvation. We have already been warned about “remaining awake” and being on guard against sin. We know what we are to do to prepare. We have only to do it. Prophesy does not change that, and that’s no different really from what Zophiel, herself, said. At least, that’s my guess.

        • MRM says:

          That would be my guess as well

        • Knight4GFC says:

          Okee dokee. 🙂

          • Shalini says:

            Grunt and MRM are right, Knight. That is what I meant. I was generally agreeing with Zoph, but I guess I ended up sounding more as if I am disagreeing. I can get confusing like that! 🙂 Also, as you said it’s only natural for each one of us to take pride in our own country. I am never insulted when you say your country is the greatest and I hope I didn’t insult any one of you for bringing this up esp. on your independence day. And thank you for having me here and allowing me a space to post my rambling thoughts!

            • Knight4GFC says:

              Not a problem at all Shalini! I am happy to have you here! 🙂 Please post any concern you have. Thank you for bearing with my long posts. Mahalo! 🙂

    • Shal, there’s nothing wrong with your statements here. As an Indian Catholic, it’s quite natural that you would see things through a more global perspective, and by “global,” I don’t mean the “one world government” idea that some mean. I refer to your perspective that looks for hope in places other than the U.S. As an American Catholic, I often do the same, although I have tended, like my fellow Americans, to more often see America as the primary hope for freedom in the world. That, for me, is changing as we get farther off track. As you say, the time when we were a Christian nation, worthy of God’s blessings and protection, has nearly passed. And like you, I believe that when it passes completely, there will truly be nothing exceptional about America, though it will be a pity when/if that happens. As we become more like socialist Europe, where do you see the most hope in the world? You said that we are no longer the greatest or the most blessed, and I agree, but where do you see greatness remaining in the world? I have trouble seeing it anywhere, although Europe is beginning to awaken, even though their financial crises preclude any real strength. You eliminated India from “greatest” status. Who do you consider greatest? Other Asian countries? Australia?

      • Shalini says:

        Solomon Islands? They banned Da Vinci Code. That should amount for something, right? 🙂 Seriously speaking though, there isn’t a greatest nation in the world anymore in my opinion. America is certainly is better than the rest for now. (Why do you think I am so interested in American politics and your people? You guys give me hope.). The idea that America would vote for someone like Obama is what is disappointing. That there are people who think he’s nice is… well, I don’t know what to say to that. But he’s just one man and there are many like him and many more who like people like him.

        Like I said earlier, a country which honours God the most will be the greatest. Do you seriously think that there is any nation in this world which honours Him above all else? The greatest is what God decides would be and I am sure every nation is disappointing Him, right now. But I don’t think that America would entirely fall like Europe. I am praying you won’t just like I am praying my country would turn to Christ. I don’t see Christians in the U.S. giving up the fight as easily as the Europeans did and that gives me hope.

    • zmalfoy says:


      First off, please forgive my delay in replying– After posting yesterday I was off to fesitivities for the evening, then back to fall to sleep in time to wake up for work, and I’ve been out of sorts ever since I arrived at work, feeling– for no apparent reason– as though I’m waiting for news of something. This happens to me now and then, and it causes my concentration to entirely fall to pieces!

      I do see that you are essentially agreeeing with me– you do not so much disagree with anything I currently think, so much as strive to make some points clear that I had failed to ensure were clear myself. For this, I thank you. I’ve said before, and will say again here: I treasure, deeply, the way all of you here serve to sharpen my thinking, to tighten my reasoning and help me to define ideas I’m struggling with pulling out of the ether. The very reason I write at all is because the act of writing is how I think these things through– and your commentary helps in the process– even those times when I may not agree fully with a point made, that disagreement itself helps to focus various facets of my thinking. All together, it is the discussion added to the intitial writing that brings forth the greater value and, as such, the commentary of all here is every bit as important a part of the . . . presentation? as the initial post. The Post and Comments together create a greater whole which is of more utility to the reader than either alone.

      And you are perfectly correct in saying that our primary concern is our current relationship with The Lord. Truly, everything else is, ultimately, rather trival in comparison. But, I’m a nutter with a love for the odd bits of history, especially as relates to religious matters (in addition to my other questionable interests. . .). Indeed, I took out of the posting a parenthetical musing regarding the other various groups that migrated about in antiquity, that moved from the middle east into the far east, but deleted it as it really had little bearing on the rest of the post. You know how I ramble– I was trying to keep focused. . . ^_^

      The value, however, in the musing, is that sometimes altering the context of one’s thought process, changing some of the un-acknowledged assumptions, can effect the way one thinks about issues of more immediate importance. Everything we think is grounded upon long-standing assumptions of history and being, and sometimes, it is worth “hypothetically altering” these assumptions to see how the views built upon them change. For me, just as learning about the role my grandfather’s had in the Revolution changed– ever so slightly– my relation to current events, so too the possibility of a more interesting story to this country shifted a bit of my understanding of these same current events.

      For instance, putting the events of 9/11 into the context of Isaiah 9 can make a huge difference in one’s reaction to the events of 9/11. This is not to say that 9/11 was anything other than a contemptible horror, but one’s reactions to it change if one considers that while it was a great evil, this great evil was allowed as a warning, and that responding in defiance may not have been the best response. [And I say that as someone who wanted the new WTC to be five buildings in a row, the middle of which was significantly taller than the two on either side.] If the economic collapse is put into this same picture, this too means that our reactions to the collapse cannot be simply political or foscal, but that (as most of us already surmised), we must go to the heart of the problem, which is the shoddy spiritual state of the nation. That our economy and security and liberty are all collapsing because the Provider of those blessings has been pushed out of our culture and society.

      At that point, the desire to see God return to the public square shifts from being a personal preference, or a religious preference, to being a neccessity for national security and stability.

      • Heh! I like your Freedom Tower design better! 😀

        • zmalfoy says:

          You, sir, are not helpful! I have trouble enough with Pride without you feeding the beastie. . . although, yeah, it is a pretty funny idea . . . ;p

      • Shalini says:


        I absolutely enjoy your long pondering posts because as you mentioned it opens our collective minds to widening thoughts. Even while disagreeing one learns so much in these discussions. Thank YOU so much for these.

  6. Speaking of American Exceptionalism, please go back and read President Ronald Reagan’s speech delivered to the 41st Annual Convention of the National Association of Evangelicals… the speach that the press called
    Ronald Reagan’s “Evil Empire” Speech

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