Racist jury fails to convict creepy-ass cracker who stalked and murdered an innocent choirboy

The Bard of Murdock comments:

When will we hear the President
Say if he had a son,
Who chose to act in self-defense,
He’d look like Zimmerman?

When will the modern media
Stop baiting based on race,
And trying to convict a man
Before he pleads his case?

When will the Sharptons of the world
With sound and fury say,
That race and ethnic heritage
May not have been at play?

When will the prosecuting class
Misconduct set aside,
And see to it that charges laid
To evidence be tied?

Perhaps we cannot have that now,
But, be that as it may,
Thank God we get to celebrate
With Zimmerman today.

(Copyright 2013 by The Bard of Murdock. Reprinted with permission.)

For further enlightenment:

How a Miami School Crime Cover-Up Policy Led to Trayvon Martin’s Death, by Robert Stacy McCain

Is This Still America? by Thomas Sowell

In 513 Days Between Trayvon Shooting and Zimmerman Verdict, 11,106 Blacks Murdered by Other Blacks, by Soopermexican

In Zimmerman Post Mortems, Confusion Reigns, by John Hinderaker

There But for the Grace of God, by Jack Dunphy

“Mostly Peaceful” Riots After Zimmerman Verdict, by John Hayward

The Election of a Black President Has Meant Nothing, by Dennis Prager

Timeline: How the Press Prosecuted Zimmerman, by John Nolte

A Terrible Mind That Has Been Wasted Proves the Jury Right, by Big Fur Hat

Protester incites crowd: ‘White people aren’t afraid of us anymore’, by Joe Saunders

Trayvon mythology and anti-civilization, by John Hayward

This entry was posted in Cartoons, Media Clowns, Politics. Bookmark the permalink.

39 Responses to Racist jury fails to convict creepy-ass cracker who stalked and murdered an innocent choirboy

  1. Great links there. The Soopermexican article is staggering.

    I was on the road a lot yesterday, and spent some time listening to NPR. Their coverage of this trial is pretty weird. Like the Hinderaker article says, they have nothing but confusion to report. It’s like they can’t say anything about it that’s not an apology for how very “hard” it is to try a case like this or for a jury to decide it. Much of what they said was an implication that the process is just too difficult for the poor women on the jury to figure out, and so you can’t blame them for returning a wrong verdict. How is that not sexist as hell? Those women should be praised for making a difficult decision that was in line with the evidence. They truly did their job, and they did it without agonizing for months over it.

    Another thing about NPR: When did they make the rule that you have to be a muslim female with a chinese surname to report for them? I’m friggin’ serious! I heard from half a dozen reporters, and they were all really young, (mostly clueless, it seemed), women of generally islamic/hispanic/asian names, except for maybe two black men. I guess they’re trying to be the anti-Fox news. Blondes need not apply. Just seems excessive, you know? I get the desire for diversity, but this is a little “extreme” and neither does it make them “more representative.”

    • I know what you mean about NPR! All of the radios in my house and my car are tuned to public radio, for two reasons — one, I love classical music and public radio is the only place that plays it; and two, I hate commercials with a passion. The result is that I hear several newscasts a day from NPR, and your description of it is pretty darn accurate.

      • Thanks, and I know what you mean about commercials. They literally (not abusing the word here) shorten my life and make me stupider and angrier every time I hear one. I have to turn the radio off when the ads come on, which is often. As a consequence, I don’t listen much.

  2. Trayvon mythology and anti-civilization
    By: John Hayward July 15th, 2013 at 03:28 PM

    More Violence 4 Trayvon
    By: John Hayward 7/16/2013 09:09 AM

  3. floridaborne says:

    I keep hearing “Stand your Ground” and how that has to be eliminated. Hey! I’m a Floridian and have to say I LOVE the Stand Your Ground law. However, Zimmerman’s battle wasn’t about that, it was about the fact that he had to do something when he was on the ground being beaten. THAT’s why he was not guilty.

    And…How can it be about race when Zimmerman is Hispanic?

    Just in case there are some people who still don’t know the definition of Cracker: Anyone born in Florida–no matter their race, color or creed–is a cracker. I really dislike it when people are racist against Floridians. 🙂

    I haven’t confirmed this yet, but it appears there were no trespassing signs at the entrance of the gated community. Don’t tell me “trespassing” is too big of a word for a strapping young man in high school to read.

    • All good points, and exactly right that this case was a poor one to be considered “racially-motivated.” So, is that true? That “cracker” is a more general Florida term that’s not really racial? Didn’t know that. I’ve been to lots of parts of Florida but never lived there, and I’ve never really heard a good, solid explanation. Welcome, by the way! 🙂

      • floridaborne says:

        Thanks. 🙂

        Yep. If you go into the woods and talk to the old-timers (over 80) born here they’ll tell you that a Cracker is anyone born in Florida. I heard it growing up and still hear it from the wise and ancient older than me.

        • Good to know! Where I’m from, many of the old-timers are black (and often lean conservative), and they will tell you that the way to get past race is to live like it doesn’t matter, not to keep hanging onto anger – even if the anger is justified. That’s gotta be hard, I know, because there’s real suffering out there. But I really believe that. If you’re gonna teach anybody to stop being a racist, you gotta do it by example. There’s really no other way. It’s got to start somewhere. I think this whole Zimm trial set us back in race-relations, but not because of the verdict – because of the way it was played by the politicians (Barack principally) and the media. Like Pinko said, we’re more divided than ever.

          • floridaborne says:

            One of my early blogs talked about the fact that people from Scandinavia (before they got religion) used to be sold as slaves to the middle east.

            Jews were slaves to Egyptians and if you look far enough back in history, I doubt there’s a single group of people who don’t have ancestors who have been slaves, owned slaves or both at one time or another.

            • Right, and if you read any old stuff at all, you know that slavery (especially indenture) was not even regarded with tremendous stigma because it was common and (considered) necessary to allow people of limited means to reestablish themselves in new countries. Right here in America, only about 250 years ago, it was common even for Anglo immigrants to indenture themselves due to debts. Obviously, people also recognize that it was common in the Biblical times and everywhere in between, among all races.

        • barnslayer says:

          I get what you’re saying regarding cracker being a term used locally in Florida. But that is not a universal meaning. Those involved in the GZ trial and the protests following the verdict meant it to be strictly derogatory. Keep in mind, the moslems don’t bother with the word “kike”. They consider the term “Jew” to be derogatory.

          • floridaborne says:

            Kike was a derogatory term for Jewish people in Florida. When I was married to a Jewish man, I heard the word Goyum a lot (I’m not Jewish). Unfortunately, the word Cracker has been bastardized. Pity that every culture seems to have a word for people they don’t like.

            • barnslayer says:

              As you say sometimes those terms no inherent negative roots. I guess cracker is one. But Hollywood and racist minorities have managed to redefine the word. Where I grew up (mostly Jewish Long Island Five Towns) goyum, or goy was mildly derogatory. Gentile was the polite term. Despite this, Christmas and related school plays and decorations did not raise the community’s collective hackles. Some groups seem to defy such tagging. I knew a guy at college whose ancestors came over on the Mayflower. “Pilgrim” or “Puritan” didn’t seem to bother him.

            • Knight4GFC says:


              Ok… question. What if you put an “a” rather than an “er” at the end of “crack..”? Does that change the meaning? According to this gal, she says so for “n…”

    • Welcome, floridaborne — good to see you!

    • barnslayer says:

      Right! Stand your ground implies you have the option to leave. Can’t leave if you are being restrained. GZ was trapped.
      BTW welcome to 4GFC!

  4. Awesome rant by Mr. Pinko today:
    “I feel like we’re living in a world filled with simpleton children that need to have their selfish needs placated until the next “event”. The Zimmerman case is just one big distraction from Obama’s epic failure to bring America together, make us strong and thrive. We’re more divided than ever.” Read more here.

  5. I updated the post above and added some more links.

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