Yeah…, No: Denver Post Says it’s Already Time to Move Past this “Ugly Chapter” and Stop the Recalls

Thanks, but no thanks, Denver Post editorial board.  Second Amendment supporters in Colorado are just getting started.  But I can imagine you’d like that, wouldn’t you?  You’d like to just shut this down right now before your favorite governor gets recalled too, eh?  Isn’t that how you dealt with your only conservative competition in Colorado, the Rocky Mountain News?  You negotiated a merger that promised to keep both editorial boards intact.  Didn’t work out too well for them, did it?  You managed to shut them down by deception and now you’re the only editorial voice in the whole state.  But that’s the way liberals like it, right?  And you like it so much that you can’t even wait a few hours before trying to tell everyone that the biggest constitutional event of the century is over and needs to be put “behind us.”  Good luck with that, Cabrons.

Colorado State Senator John Morse faces recall in Colorado Springs, CO.The source of all this fuss is the two-for-two recall election success that resulted in the removal (first ever in Colorado) of both State Senate President John Morse, seen above giving his concession speech, and Sen. Angela Giron of Pueblo.  The fight was indeed nasty, resulting in polling place violence and an influx of hundreds of thousands of dollars of influence flowing into the state from outside interests, including New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

The Pro-2nd Amendment crowd has been rightly ecstatic over these developments, and it’s being called the “epicenter of the national fight over gun control” by news sources all over the world, like Reuters, the LA Times and the European Press.  Here in Colorado, conservative blogger and author Michelle Malkin got her licks in on Gov. Hickenlooper, who may be next for recall, if conservatives get their way.  The Denver Post, of course, will try very hard to make sure that doesn’t happen.Malkin2

About GruntOfMonteCristo

Fearless and Devout Catholic Christian First, Loving Husband and Father Second, Pissed-Off Patriot Third, Rocket Engineer Dork Last.
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3 Responses to Yeah…, No: Denver Post Says it’s Already Time to Move Past this “Ugly Chapter” and Stop the Recalls

  1. freedom1781 says:

    I’m so proud of Colorado. Maybe other states, cities and counties will have the courage to do this. I can think of a lot of VA State Sen. & Reps. I’d like to see get walking papers.

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